Ginger will be the perfect addition to your family. She will be the life of the party. She will be a beaut and perfect to show off to your friends! She is wiggly and soft and so ready to become a part of your family... call us for more details.
Please visit our website for more information.
Ginger's mommy, Ingrid of Pine Cove has a beautiful coat of dark red hair. She loves attention, treats, warm summer days, and hanging out with her humans. Ingrid weighs about 60 lb. Papa Kalak lives with our family and is a great family pet. He weighs about 75 lbs. and has a beautiful coat of golden colored hair. Ingrid and Kalak's puppies share their parents gentle personality.
We are a homeschooling family with four children (ages 5-16), and our puppies are a huge part of our life. They have taught our children so much, and in turn our puppies recieve socialization from children, teens, and adults alike! We believe socialization is important from a very young age, so our children are all involved with the feeding, the grooming, as well as the loving and playing. Our puppies are very important to us, and it is our wish to place them with responsible, loving families who will cherish them as much as we do.
Ginger will arrive home with her vaccines up-to-date and a completed nose to tail health check by our veterinarian. We are accepting $350 (non-refundable) deposits to reserve her. An adoption includes a one-year genetic health guarantee (optional two year with NuJoint contract), a bag of goodies, and food for the first few days in her new home. We welcome you to come meet our family, Ginger, and her mother, but we do have several safe traveling options if you live a long distance away. You may contact us by calling, texting, emailing, or by visiting our website. Ginger is waiting for you to make a choice... call us today!